NATO NATO Logo Advanced Study Institute 
Advances in Sensing
with Security Applications
17--30 July 2005, Il Ciocco, Italy
Home | Getting There | Purpose | Application | Lecturers | Schedule
There is a coffee break midway in each three-hour lecture.
Monday, July 18
Week I
08:45-09:00 Jim Byrnes
Prometheus Inc.
Brief opening remarks
09:00-12:00 Jennifer Brower
The Rand Corporation
Why better sensing is needed--an analysis of current threats
14:30-17:30 Arnaldo D'Amico
Universita di Roma `Tor Vergata'
Chemical sensors and chemical sensor systems: fundamentals, limitations and new trends
Tuesday, July 19
10:45-12:00 Arnaldo D'Amico
Universita di Roma `Tor Vergata'
Chemical sensors and chemical sensor systems: fundamentals, limitations and new trends
14:30-17:30 Marcello Costa
Flinders University
Advances in sensors; the lessons from neurosciences
Wednesday, July 20
09:00-12:00 Alexander Praskovsky
EnerLab Inc.
Differential data processing for target tracking with spaced antenna radars
14:30-17:30 Dermot Diamond
Dublin City University
Merging chemical and biological sensing with wireless networks
Thursday, July 21
09:00-12:00 Hakan Delic
Bogazici University
Wireless sensor networks: issues and challenges
14:30-15:45 Hugh Griffiths
University College London
Fundamentals of tomography and radar
16:15-17:30 Mike Wicks
Tomography of Moving Targets (TMT) for Security and Surveillance
20:30-22:00 Poster session

Friday, July 22
09:00-12:00 Chris Baker
University College London
Bistatic and multistatic radar sensing
14:30-15:45 Darko Musicki
University of Melbourne
Target existence-based tracking
16:15-17:30 Jim Byrnes
Prometheus Inc.
Waveform design for more flexible sensing
Weekend Trips to Florence and Siena
Monday, July 25
Week II
09:00-12:00 Bill Moran
Prometheus Inc.
Active sensor scheduling
14:30-17:30 Hermann Rohling
TU Hamburg
Some radar topics: waveform design, CRAR, target recognition
Tuesday, July 26
09:00-12:00 Bob McMillan
Terahertz imaging, millimeter wave radar
14:30-17:30 Krzysztof Kulpa
Warsaw University of Technology
Continuous wave radars--monostatic, multistatic and network
Wednesday, July 27
09:00-10:15 Stepan Holub
Charles University, Prague
Introduction to modern cryptography
10:45-12:00 Braham Himed
Remote sensing using space based assets
14:30-17:30 Benjamin Shenefelt
Prometheus Inc.
Remote sensing for identification of materials
Thursday, July 28
09:00-10:15 Lena Klasen
Swedish Defence Research Agency--FOI
Laser radar and security applications
10:45-12:00 Birsen Yazici
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Near infrared sensing and imaging for brain activity monitoring
14:30-17:30 Corrado Di Natale
Universita di Roma `Tor Vergata'
Chemical sensor arrays, data analysis, and fusion of different instrumental data
Friday, July 29
09:00-12:00 Week II panel discussion

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